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A Sustainable Future

Powering the journey to net zero

At Flogas, we may have a fossil fuels background, but we’re working towards delivering 100% renewable energy to our customers by 2040.

We’re already at the forefront of the energy transition having developed an impressive track record in converting off-grid customers from higher emissions fuels such as oil to lower carbon, cleaner solutions like LPG. We’re investing in developing ‘bio-ready’ infrastructure and storage, too – and helping to develop the new renewable, lower carbon gases that will help our customers on their journey to net zero.  At the same time, we’re working to enhance our new energy offering through acquiring businesses, providing solutions from solar panels to heat pumps.

How we’re working together to do more to help our customers on their journey to net zero.

Biopropane can be made in many ways – including biorefining. A food source such as used cooking oil is often utilised, and this is then converted by a process known as hydrogenation. This is done by combining hydrogen with the used oil to create biopropane as well as diesel. The biopropane can then be used as a sustainable alternative to fossil propane.

At Flogas, we’re doing lots of R&D into fuels that will help lead to a sustainable future – like rDME, or renewable Dimethyl Ether. It’s a renewable, sustainable alternative to DME, a gas that comes from fossil fuels. rDME can be produced from livestock like cows – or even from rubbish. Up to 20% rDME can be blended with propane, using our existing infrastructure and appliances. And the good news? rDME emits 74% less carbon than fossil propane.

At Flogas, we want to help our customers meet their energy objectives in terms of cost, carbon reduction and energy security. Our new brand Equity Energies, based in Coventry, will do just that through a range of energy management services for our high energy consumption customers. With our market leading suite of technology, including MY ZeERO and eAuction, we can help clients to identify and eliminate energy waste, buy cleaner energy more cheaply and reduce carbon emissions.

By acquiring Protech, we’ve added a leading industry provider of low carbon energy solutions and water management services to our portfolio. From site surveys and system designs to installations, Protech can deliver a range of bespoke energy solutions including solar panels, heat pumps, EV chargers and HVAC systems – all with the aim of elevating businesses and their performance. With a wealth of experience on projects of all sizes and complexity, including high-energy and performance critical initiatives, their expertise means we’re now able to offer our customers even more ways to accelerate their journey to net zero.

We’ve recently acquired DTGen, a renowned specialist in standby power generators that can use lower carbon LPG and HVO fuel and combined heat and power systems. With DTGen on board, we’ll now be able to offer a broader range of lower carbon energy solutions to customers with high energy needs. By combining DTGen’s specialist engineers, high-voltage certified professionals and skilled service technicians with our own expert teams, all our customers right across the UK can benefit.

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Right now at Flogas, we’re in the process of investing in our infrastructure, products and services to make sure we’re doing energy right by the future

At Flogas, we’ve converted the old LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) storage facility at Avonmouth, to become the nation’s largest above ground LPG terminal, with capacity to store 34,564 tonnes of gas. Not only is LPG cleaner than LNG, it produces much lower carbon emissions, too. What’s more, we’ve made sure the whole site is ‘bio-ready’, meaning it’s capable of storing bioLPG, a renewable alternative to fossil LPG. It’s all part of our plan to help off-grid homes and businesses decarbonise.

In April 2024, with our partners NSMP and Exolum, we opened a brand-new LPG storage site in Teesside. It will reduce Britain’s reliance on gas imports, providing over 90,000 tonnes of LPG a year, to help us do energy right by homes and businesses across the Northern England and Wales, and Scotland.

We’re currently investing in the construction of a pipeline from Bristol Port into the UK’s largest above ground LPG storage terminal at Avonmouth, near Bristol. It will link the UK to an unparalleled supply of off-grid gas, providing a secure and futureproof supply for off-grid customers across the country. It will also play a vital role in creating a lower carbon future. LPG is the cleanest, most efficient conventional off-grid fuel available, so those switching from oil or coal can considerably reduce their carbon footprint.

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